Throughout Stellar Evolution
Monday 26
Session 1 - Magnetized stellar formation
Chair: Corinne Charbonnel
› 15:05 - 15:35 (30min)
Magnetic higher-mass stars in the early stages of their evolution
Jason Grunhut  1, *@  , Gregg Wade  2@  , Evelyne Alecian  3@  , Véronique Petit  4@  
1 : European Southern Observatory  (ESO)  -  Website
Karl-Schwarzchild Str. 2 D-85748 Garching bei Munchen -  Germany
2 : Royal Military College of Canada  (RMC)
3 : Laboratoire d'études spatiales et d'instrumentation en astrophysique  (LESIA)  -  Website
Observatoire de Paris
5, place Jules Janssen 92190 MEUDON -  France
4 : University of Delaware  -  Website
Newark, DE 19716 USA -  United States
* : Corresponding author

Over the past decade, significant investigations have been made through the use of spectropolarimetry to probe the surface magnetic field characteristics of young higher-mass (M > 1.5 M_sun) stars from pre-main sequence to zero-age main sequence evolutionary phases. The results of these observational campaigns suggest that these young massive stars host similar magnetic properties to their main sequence descendants - strong, stable, globally-ordered fields that are detected in approximately 10 percent of all stars. This strongly contrasts with lower-mass stars, where it is generally accepted that a solar-like dynamo is in operation that generates more complex, globally-weak fields that are ubiquitous among these stars. The consensus is magnetic fields in higher-mass stars are fossil remnants of a magnetic field present in the molecular cloud, or generated very early during stellar formation. In this talk I will review the spectropolarimetric observations of higher-mass stars and discuss how these observations have guided our current understanding of the magnetic characteristics of young higher-mass stars.

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