Throughout Stellar Evolution
Friday 30
Session 4 - Magnetic fields in the ultimate stages of stellar evolution
Chair: Henk Spruit
› 14:10 - 14:40 (30min)
Magnetars: the explosive character of a small class of strongly magnetized neutron stars
Nanda Rea  1@  
1 : Institute of Space Sciences  (ICE, IEEC-CSIC)  -  Website

I will review our current knowledge on the most magnetic objects in the Universe, a small sample of neutron stars called magnetars. The poweful persistent high energy emission and the flares from these strongly magnetized (10^15 Gauss) neutron stars are providing crucial information about the physics involved at these extremes conditions, reserving us many unexpected surprises. Furthermore, I will show how the different neutron stars classes we know can be unified by a single evolutionary model taking into account their magnetic field decay, starting from different strengths and configurations at birth.

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